



When you make a financial contribution to the John Howard Society of Nova Scotia, you support us in offering practical help so that incarcerated and newly-released people can access the personal growth, mental health support, and new-start programs they need to reintegrate positively into their communities.

Donate directly to client support via the categories above, or send general monetary donations via e-transfer to with the password ‘novascotia.’ For a donation receipt, please indicate so the in comment section of the e-transfer and include your name and address. Or, donate through Your contribution helps fund new chapters for community members ready to integrate in healthful ways back into their communities with the following:

Release Essentials (transportation, clothing, groceries, medications) for a positive restart

Transition Support and Community Navigation

Employment Counselling

Anger Management, Emotional Intelligence, and Healthy Relationships Counselling

Access to Emergency and Long-Term Housing

Community Maintenance

Navigation through the renewing process of Restorative Justice

Record Suspension Application

US Waiver Application


“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”

—Margaret Mead

Our volunteers contribute their time and experience to offer peer support, contribute to our work around crime prevention and awareness, and help people who have been incarcerated to re-establish bonds with their families and communities.

We are always appreciative of volunteers across administration and program design, community partner development, event committees, research support, aftercare and support services, and community referrals. If you’d like to volunteer, begin by becoming a member. For more information about our programs and services—and where your skills may benefit—refer to Programs and Services.

Application Form


Our members help shape the design and delivery of the help we provide for individuals, families, and communities.

A basic membership ($20 for the year or $100 for a lifetime membership) grants you a stakeholder position. This allows you to participate in our Annual General Meeting, receive a copy of the Annual General Report and the Audited Financial Statement, and elect trustees to the Board of Directors. The John Howard Society of Nova Scotia is governed by a volunteer Board of community leaders on behalf of our Society’s members. At each Annual General Meeting, the membership of the Society nominates and elects who serves on the Board of Directors.

Application Form